Saturday, February 12, 2011

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - I

How To Choose A Profitable Niche?
Hello and Welcome to the 33 part series in which I would discuss all the tips and strategies you should use to make more than $100 per day from Adsense Commissions alone. I hope to answer all the queries and doubts which are present in the minds of everyone using Google Adsense and help them make huge money from the Internet by putting minimum of efforts which only a handful of people are doing successfully.

I have been trying to understand the basics, the strategies for over three years now and during this time I have had a chance to discuss this topic with various persons who are using Adsense successfully and were quite happy to share their secrets with me. That is all about me; now let’s get down straight to our topic.

I have been using Internet for the past 10 years, during this time I have come across many good sites and blogs which had potential to be a great success but could not sustain the competition due to lack of readership and not being monetized properly.

Let me ask all of you a question what do you blog about? The obvious answer by all of you would be that you blog on your area of interest. This is the first mistake that all the bloggers make who intend to make big money from their blog. While writing a blog on your area of interest would make you feel satisfied personally, but it cannot bring in the cash flow you desire. This happens because your area of interests might have only a few people interested.

It is much better to find hot and profitable markets (topics) and try building a site on these instead of your area of interest. So it is imperative to just do some market research to understand the necessities of people and then build a site to provide them with what they need. It can be looked in this way, rather than manufacturing a product and then looking for the people who might be interested in that product you can ask them what they need and then provide them whatever they asked for.

A lot of people end up choosing wrong niche for their blog or website and end up being frustrated because they cannot make any from it. There are some niches which are never profitable and then there are some which are very profitable. So if you are using a non profitable niche it is best to switch over to a more profitable one now. Search the net to prepare a list of profitable keywords and categorize them. Try and keep adding new keywords to your list as and when you discover them. The suggested profitable keywords may not work the same way as they do for others. So it is imperative that you build more than one site, each one with a different keyword and keep a track of each of them.

There are few tips that I would suggest while looking for a niche that will profitable for you .While doing a keyword research focus on the following details:

1. Average CPC
2. Number of Advertisements for that Particular keyword.
3. Number of searches for the particular keyword over the past three months.
4. Less number of websites competing for the keyword.

Just acquiring keywords is not enough; you need to properly categorize them into main categories and subcategories. I will illustrate this with an example.

Insurance (Main Category)
Life Insurance
Car Insurance
Home Insurance
And so on

Sports Merchandise (Main Category)
And so on

Once you have decided which the right niches are for you, you need to move on the next step of building your website.

The topic Site Building will be discussed in my next post. Till then i hope you all decide a profitable niche for your post.

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