Thursday, March 8, 2012

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - X Increase Your RSS Subscribers

If you want to increase subscribers for your blog , it is one of the best ways of doing it. But a point to be kept in mind here is that an RSS feed is much harder to monetize than a blog . For the same number of people visiting a blog and an RSS feed the income generated by the blog may be 20 times more than generated by the RSS feed.
Despite very low income , you should still try an increase your RSS subscriptions. One of the important reasons being RSS represents genuine reader base, and anything done to increase your subscribers will definitely increase your blog in the long run. Another reason to increase your RSS subscriber base is that some ad networks like ReviewMe , take your RSS subscribers into account to determine the price , the more number of RSS subscribers you have the more you would get paid.

Offering a Full feed definitely helps.

To increase your subscriber base in the long run , you should offer a full feed. Many RSS readers wont sign up for a feed until its full . Use your RSS to give your readers an enhanced reading experience . Never use RSS as a traffic builder to your post . There are many people who use this method. I find it very cheap method to get traffic to your post and one that I advise you to avoid totally. I am not offering any RSS feed to my readers right now because at this moment I don’t have sufficient content on my blog.

Never show your RSS count if it is too small.

FeedBurner provides a nice widget which you can use on your blog , it shows the number of RSS readers on your blog. The number displayed represents the number of people that accessed your blog the day before. Personally I advise you to not show the subscriber count until it reaches 30.

A bit of human psychology is involved here . People in general like to play safe . They would not subscribe to a blog with very few readers, even if the blog is very good. It is best to not display your RSS subscribers until you have sufficient number of subscribers that you can proudly display. The bigger the number of subscribers , the more chances are that new readers will subscribe to it . Smaller the number , less chances of readers subscribing to it. If you really want to tackle this hurdle , you may display someone else’s RSS feed count to get the subscribers. Nothing is fair in this world but that’s one way to get the attraction of your audience.

Be sure that readers see your RSS button.

The RSS button should necessarily be placed near the top of your blog preferably on the top left corner which is considered to be the hot spot in advertising . If you can’t place it there make sure you place it at a place where it is easily visible without scrolling . You should let your readers know that you have a RSS feed and for that you need your RSS button to be visible. If you are providing a full feed to your subscribers then you must label your RSS button as full feed RSS to let your readers know that they can read all your content from the feed.

Ask your readers to subscribe.

You may ask your readers to subscribe to your RSS feed if they liked your blog. You can do so by by adding a line at the end of your post like “If you liked my post , please consider subscribing to my full feed RSS ”.Instead of doing this you may edit your template files , so that you may not have to write this for every post that you publish. In WordPress you need to edit index.php file if you want your request to show on the home page of your blog.

Advertising options for your RSS feed.
The best way to make money from your full RSS feed is to ask your readers to visit your blog. You may use Google Adsense for feeds or Text link Ads Feedvertising. Google adsense for RSS is the best way to monetize your blog . The ads may be CPM or CPC based , but in any case you can make sufficient amount from your RSS feed.

Text link Ads Feedvertising are similar to text link ads for a blog. Instead of buying a link on a blog , the advertiser buys a link in your feed. The pricing system is very straight forward , so there is no need to worry about variable CPM rates and / or click fraud. Remember Feedvertising is available for WordPress 2.0 or higher.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Official Announcement

I want to begin by thanking all the readers of this blog. This blog has been aroud for quite some time now but the updates have been scarce to say the least. 2011 was a very tough year for me personally, having to undergo a series of changes both in my personal as well as professional life.  Finally everything looks settled and I want to interact with my readers on a regular basis now. 

You can expect more regular updates of this blog along with useful tips and suggestions that will help you a great deal to increase your productivity and do what you like doing the best i.e blogging. Happy Blogging everyone :)

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - IX Make Money from your Blog

How to get RSS readers to visit your blog.

While most of the readers prefer to visit the blot , but there are many who may like to read your blog via full feed RSS. This in itself is a major problem with only a handful of ways to monetize your RSS feed as compared to infinite ways available for the blog.

If you do some research you will find that there are many bloggers who have over 50,000 daily visitors to their blog via RSS feeds , yet they are earning less than many other bloggers who have less number of visitors to their blog .. There are many forums who have million visitors to their site daily via RSS , even they find it difficult to monetize their RSS . But one thing in favor of these sites is that they sell ad space at a very high price keeping in mind the large number of readers visit to their site everyday. But you should still provide full RSS feed to your readers because these are the readers who visit your blog because they genuinely like what you provide them.

Having a large RSS subscription is essential and one thing every blogger should try and build for his site. RSS represents a loyal base of audience and if you have your RSS subscribers increasing it indicates that your blog is growing and is heading towards the right direction. Remember most of your RSS readers wont visit your blog , and making money from your RSS feed is very difficult. I have discussed a few ways to monetize your blog in my previous post. The best way to make many from your RSS subscribers is to encourage them to take a look at your blog. Following are some of the ways to do just that .

Use FeedBurner FeedFlare
Most of you might be running your RSS feeds through Feedburner. Feedburner provides a very useful feature called FeedFlare which allows you to add a comment count at the end of each post . This lets your RSS readers to see the number of comments a particular post has generated . Unless a reader subscribes to your comments RSS , he cannot read the comments others have made on your RSS post. This encourages your reader to visit your blog if he wants to read the comments .If a RSS reader is interested in your post , there are high chances that he may click on the comment link to get the view of other subscribers.

Encourage comments.
Having no comments on your blog doesn’t help you much. You should encourage your readers to comment on your post . As I had discussed previously that a blog is a two way communication tool between an author and readers , it should remain that way . One way traffic is never good in any case.

The easiest and the most effective way to encourage comments on your blog is to ask for feedback . A RSS reader has to visit your blog if he wants to comment on your post so it is a great way to get them to visit your blog.

In the beginning you may have to comment yourself by fake names to get the ball rolling. It’s sneaky but there is no harm in doing it . Many popular forums are built using this technique.

Use some videos.
Another nice way to get your RSS readers to visit your blog is to embed some videos in your RSS feed . An embedded video cannot be played with a RSS feed . If your reader wishes to watch the video then he must visit your blog.

Adding a nice description on what the video is about always encourages your readers to visit your blog. A video without description is similar to a blank post . your RSS readers will see a blank post if you do.

Link to old post.
This is one of the best way to get your RSS readers to visit your blog . Whenever you write a post and it has relation with some of your old post , you should provide a link to it. It has many added advantages , besides getting your RSS subscribers to visit your older post it also lets search engines find your older articles . It encourages your RSS readers to click on it to see what they have missed earlier.

Tell your readers that RSS is updated in real time

A new post wont be available as a feed until your RSS feed updates and updating your feed may take several hours . So in order to visit your latest posts they should visit your blog for the current post(s).

A way to remind them could be saying something like this at the end of your post “This may not be my latest post. Do visit my site for the latest posts , in case you may want to get the latest updated post.”

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - VIII Make Money from your Blog

To make real money from your blog you need to do more than just displaying Google Ads on your blog. For beginners it is the easiest way to monetize their blogs. Your main aim should be to find out the maximum number of ways to extract money from it, without making it too obvious to your readers and providing them with rich and useful content beneficial to them. You may always come across people whining that you have too much ads on your blog even though you would have only one like I have. So what to do about these kind of people, remember these kind of people who complain loudest about advertising are the ones who will never click on your Ads. You don’t make money out of them so would you consider their complaints about too much advertising? The decision is upon you.

How do you know when to take these complaints seriously ? Well the answer is quite simple . Always keep a track of traffic to your blog . If it starts going down , you need to make changes to your blog . The chances of traffic going down because of too much advertising is very slim and I would say it is next to nil . You may conduct a poll on your site to find out the real reason for your readers not being happy with your blog and too much advertising won’t be the top reason for it. There are many top blogs on the net with over 15 advertising blocks on each page but nobody complains. Even if the readers complain these blog owners don’t care listening to them . If you really want to monetize your blog , you might as well do it now.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - VII

How To Get Visitors To Your Site For Free - Part II
Lets continue our discussion further to explore more free ways to get traffic to your site and build its reputation among the niche specific readers.

10. Use Free Tools and plugins to help your readers share the posts.

Embed a share button so that readers can share the content to the favorite bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon which will increase the chances of your post being read by people who are friends of your readers. Use a plugin which notifies your readers about the recent comments made on your blog.

11. Get help from other bloggers in your niche.
Talk about a recent post or if possible get an interview of successful and well know blogger in your niche. Their goodwill help you get more readers as well as being trusted in your niche. Exchange blog posts and blog roll links from other bloggers in your niche. Write a post about the top 10 bloggers in your niche and their journey from ordinary human beings to a well known in their areas of writing.

12. Attract and Improve Stickiness of your website.
Give freebies which will help the readers in your niche. It is also worthwhile if you could arrange a contest wherein you encourage your readers to actively participate for a prize. Blog carnivals are a great way to promote your blog to some well known bloggers in your niche.

13. Join Blog Networks to promote your blog.
There are many blog networks open to new bloggers. You can join these blog networks and showcase your blogs to attract attention of readers. It is also a good platform to interact with other bloggers in your niche and understand specific demands of the niche.

The best way to get started is to produce some great content on your website for a while before trying to catch the eyeballs of readers in your niche.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - VI

How To Get Visitors To Your Site For Free - Part I

In my last post I had discussed the strategies you can use to get traffic to your website by paying from your pocket. In this post I will list out all the options you can use to get traffic to your site for free. Since the list of options available is quite big, I will discuss this topic using two posts.

Note that the list includes options you can utilize to get short term traffic and long term traffic to your blog. You need to plan accordingly to build short term traffic and long term traffic to your website. So let us begin with the list of options available to get traffic to your site:

SEO Strategies:
1. Choose the right URL.
The URL you choose for your site should be short, self explanatory and must be easy to memorize. Even search engines do not like sites which have a long URL. It is beneficial if you have a dot com domain which is much easier to remember.

2. Write a web page title.
Write a descriptive title for your site and make sure you minimize the number of filler words like "the", "and", etc. Your page title will be hyperlinked in the search engine results, so make it as appealing as possible without using too many words. Make it as proactive as possible so that readers are enticed to click on it and visit your site. Use some descriptive text along with the niche you promote. If you are blogging about affiliate products, don't simply title your blog as "Make Money Online". A more appropriate title would be "Make Money Online using Affiliate Products". Remember, people recognize your site by its title. The highlighted blue words catch the most attention, so if it is attractive people are more likely to click on it.

3. Add a keyword and meta description tag.
The meta tag should ideally consist of no more than three sentences summarizing the web page content. Include the keywords which are related to the web page content. If you include keywords which are not part of the content this could have a negative impact on your SEO.

4. Make sure you include all your keywords in the first paragraph
As I had mentioned in my earlier posts Google indexes only first 101 K of your web page content, so don't waste your time writing an introduction in the first paragraph of your post. Google expects that your first paragraph must contain most of the keywords you are focusing on. Make sure that the keyword density is no more than 2% of the total web content.

5. Highlight keywords using hyperlinks.
Remember bots are blind and they will feed only on what you want to feed them with. So anything which is underlined or highlighted is considered to be important by these bots. Try to hyperlink all your important key phrases and keywords with a site name which essentially contains your highlighted keyword. For example if you select make money online as the key phrase,then you should hyperlink it to a site such as This is a very important but most neglected part in SEO,so be careful to
the sites you hyperlink to.

6. Design pages which are search engine friendly
Having multiple frames or pop ups on your site can stop a search engine from crawling on to your web page and indexing your site. Avoid JS and Flash navigation menus because search engines cannot read them.Make sure you submit a sitemap to all the major search engines to ensure that all your pages are indexed properly.

7. Create separate page for each keyword.
Rather than stuffing all the keywords on a single page develop multiple pages for your site,each focusing on a particular keyword. This helps your site get better rankings for each of the selected keyword. This would help bring traffic for each of the keyword separately and which would boost overall traffic to your site.

8.Fine tune your pages for SEO
Check your position as compared to your competitors for a particular keyword in search engine rankings.Analyze other page which are ranked higher for the particular keyword and check out what search engines prefer for the particular keywords and optimize accordingly.

9. Submit your site to major search engines
You should personally try and submit your site to all the major search engines and check regularly that your recent pages are indexed properly by these search engines.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Online Money With Google Adsense Part - V

Why you need Visitors To Your Site?
In my earlier posts I had discussed the entire steps to set up a site for Google Adsense. So, once you have selected a profitable niche, built your site on that particular niche, installed the Adsense templates on your site and site, it is time for you to think of the next important step. The following step is the most important step in making money online with any PPC or affiliate ads you display on your site.

How are you going to get visitors to your site? What are the different options available to you to get traffic to your site instantly?
The most obvious and the common answer to these questions would be to get traffic from Google, Yahoo or some other search engine results. Getting traffic from search engine results is great, and frankly speaking nothing is better than that. However, the process itself is very complicated and time consuming and not desirable for people who want instant results.

This is the reason most of the advertisers use PPC search engines. They are to be utilized when you need instant traffic for your site. The best PPC that I can recommend is Yahoo Sponsored Search. There are other small PPC search engines which are much cheaper but there is a fear of click fraud being rampant in these search engines.

To get Traffic from any PPC search engines you need to take the following steps:

1.Choose keywords for your marketing campaign:
Whenever a keyword related to your campaign is searched on Yahoo,Google or any other search engine you wish to use for your PPC campaign,your ad will be displayed as sponsored search result on right hand side of the search results. If you prepare an attractive ad campaign,visitors will click on your ad and visit your site. For example you select keyword wallpaper for your site, then I believe you need to prepare a list of 250-400 keywords matching your niche and add them to your PPC campaign. A sample list of keywords related to wallpapers might look similar to the one alongside.

2.Create your PPC campaign and select ad group:
You need to register for an advertisers account on Google, Yahoo, MSN or any other search providers. You need to specify your campaign name and geo targeting. After specifying your geo targeting option,you need to create an ad group within your campaign. Then enter the keywords for your campaign.

3.Bid for the keyword and set your budget:
This step is very important and it determines the amount of traffic your site will receive. Ideally it is suggested to bid as low as possible for the particular keyword. The lowest PPC for Google is $0.01 and for Yahoo is $0.10. So for every instance a visitor clicks on your ad and visits your site, you are supposed to pay the amount you have bid for the particular keyword.

4.Create your ad:
This is the step where you create you ad. Add a nice and appealing title which will grab readers attention.Then write a short description and make it as sensational as possible without being too harsh or criticising any of your competitors. Then you need to ad the destination URL and display URL. Note that ads should be relevant to the searched keywords for better CTR.

5.Activate your ads
After you have created your ad, you need to preview your ad before it goes live. Then,you need to check the allocated budget to your campaign and schedule the time slots during which your ads will be displayed. After following these steps you need to activate your ads in order to get PPC traffic.

You have learned how to get traffic by spending money on PPC campaign. These campaigns are good source for getting genuine traffic to your site. But since most of us prefer getting traffic without spending too much money, so in my next post I will discuss the methods of getting visitors to your site without spending a penny.